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134 - Ferrin calls it a night.
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I've been told I have a fetish for throwing cars. - 24 Sep 2007 06:11 am

My thesis project saw its first public release last week. The more folks that can test it and fill out the feedback form, the better. Help me out with that if you've got a Windows box and are willing. In the case that Progeny does not run for you and/or runs incorrectly, please e-mail me your problems rather than submitting them through the standard form.

While the comic was delayed by my work on Progeny, it would have found its way to you a mite earlier were it not for Team Fortress 2, which is the best multiplayer FPS I've yet encountered.

Shoot 'Em Up was precisely the movie I was hoping for. It is the most stupid, unrealistic, cheesy action film I can remember. I haven't had more fun in a theater since the trailer for Machete.

If you're scoffing at that, go see 3:10 to Yuma. Best damn western in years.

I got a new phone. It became apparent to me after recording "Do a barrel roll!" from StarFox 64 that it would not make nearly as good of a ringtone as I'd initially thought.

-Tyrus Peace


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