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27 - The other side of sunrise
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27 - The other side of sunrise
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A short fifteen hours - 20 Jun 2005 12:52 am

Working full time an hour away from my home is something I am still attempting to adjust to. That and the air conditioning in my home dying made for a rather hectic week. I did beat four levels of Metal Slug 2 with one credit at the hotel arcade, though. Arcade-authentic slowdown is a beautiful thing.

There was a time when these posts attempted to be amusing and words poured forth from my keys like locusts from the mouth of Beelzebub. Perhaps once this new schedule has had its lovely way with me I'll be in an appropriate state of mania to once again provide employment for the unemployed ASCII characters of the world. Bourgeoisie unicode will doubtless attempt to unseat this desperate crowd from such a new seat of hope. I leave it to you to stop that.

I spelled bourgeoisie right on my first attempt. Holy shnikies.

-Tyrus Peace


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