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16 - Intermezzo
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16 - Intermezzo
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Dream of happy things. - 10 Apr 2005 09:04 am

I must admit that this wasn't part of the plan when I wrote the script for this months ago, but as I'd like to work on the writing for the next comic considerably more, I've inserted a bit of a dream for your enjoyment. The image at hand is actually a product of myself and my roommate discussing a proper thing for me to draw for a friend's room decor, where we ended up completing each other's sentences for a good few. Tony started things with the thrilling twosome of "Demon's eating...". As I actually find the general concept of this comic tremendously amusing I'll give most of the credit to roommate Tony. Rest assured I am not actually planning to decorate anyone's wall with anything of this sort. Except mine, maybe.

The semester winds down to a few key weeks, and of these I've constructed a magnificent, beastly machine which will devour me whole. Its tail creaks back and forth with menacing playfulness, attempting to communicate its eagerness for my demise to the rest of the metal bulk. I may well fell the beast from within through some miraculous combination of dumb luck and desperate measures, but it is prudent of me to stop pretending I'm able to update this before Sunday, regardless.

-Tyrus Peace


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