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114 - Like you can't see what's coming.
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114 - Like you can't see what's coming.
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Apollo's naked, I guess? That's kind of weird. - 12 Mar 2007 04:57 am

Spring break. There is no spring in Arizona. Winter is hardly done raising its gnarled finger to tell of the coming cold before Summer slams into it like a supersonic semi. Plants of a deciduous nature are terribly baffled by the mess, often dropping their leaves in a confused panic after waiting months for a fall that never came, only to find that it's suddenly hot again. It all must be horribly embarassing.

Holy continuity, Batman. We've got Apollo, Seraphs, and world eaters in one comic. It's an obscurity extravaganza! Perhaps it's more of a bonanza.

-Tyrus Peace


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