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113 - The ghosts will never let me quit.
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downhill - 05 Mar 2007 04:43 am

That's an ugly comic. I remember liking it more halfway through, though. Perhaps I am simply beginning to hallucinate in my exhaustion. Deerhoof has a heinously good live show.

I must tell you of the best idea for a movie I've heard in... five, maybe six billion years. Be Kind Rewind has Jack Black reenacting myriad cinema classics after accidentally erasing a video rental store's entire tape stock. We're talking Back to the Future and The Lion King here, people. And it's directed by Gondry, which is about as perfect of a fit I can think of for this concept.

I'm taking suggestions for my next bake off. If you're in the area and want to participate, write me an e-mail. Yeah, that's right. I just invited the Internet to my house. I ain't scared. I'm Tyrus Fucking Peace.

-Tyrus Peace


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