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88 - A Terrible Place to be Without One's Pants
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I just wanted an excuse to draw dragons again. - 20 Aug 2006 07:12 pm

This comic's details are a bit tiny. The only brush I get satisfactorily sketchy results with in Photoshop Elements for this kind of style is a mere 3 pixels wide. If there are pointers out there on getting pencilish results with larger brushes with my cheap cheap program, they would be rather appreciated.

I went to the pet store to buy bamboo shrimp because they seem like the coolest I-won't-kill-everything-else-in-the-bowl fishbowl inhabitant possible, what with their feathery little grippers and lack of pincers, and the store attendant insisted I need an entire aquarium to support little scavenger shrimp that live off of random detritus. I now have two new guppies named Ferdinand and Marie Antoinette who are in the process of dirtying up a fishbowl for future shrimpy inhabitants. I lied to the man about having an aquarium.

-Tyrus Peace


Edupocalypse - 21 Aug 2006 11:58 am

First day of school? Bum err. Savvy shoppers will order items from the store before I run out of time for handcrafted items.

I forgot to mention it earlier, but The Rentals pack a frightfully adorable live show. Matt Sharp is clearly a man that would look awkward in any form of enthusiastic gesticulation, and the fact that he rocks out on stage is endearingly geeky, much like the rest of the band's live antics. I merely approved of the band before, but after observing what kinds of fun may be had with them, I must say they receive rather high marks.

-Tyrus Peace


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