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She totally has my handwriting. - 22 Jan 2006 06:46 pm

Ah, head trauma. I realized rather late last night that my sleep schedule being reasonably humane is more important now that the semester has started. In the future I will schedule for this change.

laundry note
courtesy of my apartment complex's laundry room bulletin board

Please stay tuned for a guest poster. He is a rather good friend of mine.

-Tyrus Peace


uhh, that's the outside of saran polyvinylidene chloride. - 22 Jan 2006 06:59 pm

why you arrange a dime for creating a limited of format,
you leave employers searching for revealing this very upset
that simple ways to you need to expect you will automatically
leaves their and guarantee that begs the right words
bonus career weapons to persuade and cover letter get my right words
and do just picture this so spell check.
you act fast start to let me summarize very strong guarantees
to avoid sweating over when you can do just the nudge your mouth by step
step by using my step by credit card server.
as far i would really worth,
every resume generator,
i didn't use unless you put myself insane.
inside your bags and make sure,
pen and breakthrough phrases slipping into your stomach churning,
fl i was able to call back for a bookstore, an interview.
i begged jack to grab the right parts around
in my new jersey copyright killer resume
to be shocked at least top job again by organizing your butt
into every told you can turbocharge every job interview at least,
but steadily persuading him
understand program that people decide exactly

(written using text from Killer Resume Generator)

the beaches carribean like a prank war this done,
let the socket and then repeated the island of saran wrap
i can into a bobsled team preparing for bulbs,
and screwing it helps to a long story short,
and not a six or recommended.
so there is much because we made me from fire
spread between taping leaves should be unblocked at the biggest one
and as a one up my boys,
i knew where everyone made some grossly obese sperm cell,
we still worked wonders.
tear a great news.
so i wouldn't be prepared craftsmen may hinder
the front desk had to the congo,
and the lincoln lions our curfew by the enormous crowd
and the port town on what would like a stud by, there .
it was good to remove themselves,
electrical usage and try to use the plate of the most hilarious pictures.
opening, the market and now for school
ride the duct tape has become twenty dollar a mobile oven to a decoy,
but we went back of spain to greg,
his struggles with us though we arrived at

(written using text from Spicy Magellan)



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