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194 - The sky is opening.
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We burn our days to light the way. - 23 Oct 2012 04:59 am

I drew this with watercolors in Artrage. A larger version is here if you want it.

My friend Daniel's Indiegogo ends in two short days.

I am typically unable to excite the Internet with the things I do. It's hard for me to care. Inexplicably, wondrously, I still have some readers out there, and that's generally enough for me.

I care this time, though.

This is not what a functional healthcare system looks like. A lot of people need a lot of help, and I want a bunch of strangers to care about my friend more than them. It is shameful to ask, it is worse to need to ask, and I wish I'd left that unsaid.

Hope is a nice way of saying you don't give a fuck. I'm going to try and keep hoping. This is my next stupid plan, and there are plenty of people out there with far better ideas. I'll put the latest happenings in that arena up at once the Indiegogo's done. There's a lot of love out there.

-Tyrus Peace


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