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164 - Time Cops, Page 9: A Bad time to be a Dinosaur
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164 - Time Cops, Page 9: A Bad time to be a Dinosaur
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argle blargle - 20 Oct 2008 08:05 am

I updated GIMP and the comic seems a bit more pixelriffic around the edges after scaling it down for the site. Not sure if that's actually the case yet.

Meanwhile is an amazing comic that I'm several years behind the curve on. If you haven't read it yet, do yourself a favor and go through its many different endings. There's a fun, profound, and stunningly intricate story in those pages. Thanks to Rob for catching me up on that.

Also, check out World of Goo. It's some damn good physics puzzles, and is out for both Wii and PC. At least try out the demo.


-Tyrus Peace


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