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156 - Time Cops: Page 1, The Distant Future
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156 - Time Cops: Page 1, The Distant Future
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Perhaps overly ambitious - 26 Jun 2008 01:12 am

I may have to tone down the art in the future if I can't get these out fast enough. I'm happy with this one, though.

There have been a fair amount of things which I was meaning to share with you fellows, but I'm rather absent of their memories at the moment. I'll just say that I saw the Mad Caddies, and the Supervillains act like douchebags. I'm pretty sure that's what they're going for.

I like my Spore creatures.

-Tyrus Peace


I falter. - 01 Jul 2008 03:46 am

It is hard to finish one of these in less than a week.

Your mom's holster replacement doesn't make sense.

-Tyrus Peace


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