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142 - Ghosts Are Haunted By the Living
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142 - Ghosts Are Haunted By the Living
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The Finish Line - 10 Dec 2007 01:36 am

Only one project remains before my graduation on Wednesday. I assure you that my drawing a man punching a devil eerily similar to my college's mascot in hues rather closely matching the school colors is purely coincidence.

Aquaria saw its release last week. Its gorgeous high resolution 2D graphics and quiet ambience pulled me in, but the gameplay itself is a rather excellent thing. I haven't yet gotten through the demo, but it seems entirely worth purchase so far. It's like Ecco, except you can do things besides drowning while being molested by spinning mollusks.

Ryan Armand of Minus was kind enough to link Bang Barstal in his last post, and I've found it to be exceedingly worthy of consumption. There is a man with a bat. That is all you need to know.

-Tyrus Peace


celebration != comicking - 18 Dec 2007 03:55 am

It turns out that futzing about hootie hooing over my graduation doesn't get comics done. Shocking, I know. Moreover, this one's a beast, so there was no making up for my transgressions over the weekend with a measly couple hours of extra drawing. We're talking a couple dozen frames here, which is roughly a couple dozen times more frames than in the average Not Included.

-Tyrus Peace


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